Team: Lab Coordinator

Lab Coordinator

Dr. Demetris Demetriou has been a Lecturer in the field of Geoinformation and Land management (since 1 August 2023), and he teaches the following undergraduate modules: GEO 214 – Principles of Geoinformation and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (4th sem); GEO 361- Cadastre (5th sem); GEO 362 – Land Management (5th sem); and GEO 435 – Applications of GIS (8th sem).

During his studies, he received several awards, honours, and scholarships, such as his PhD thesis was awarded by Springer Publisher, in the context of the series “Springer Theses Recognising Outstanding Ph.D. Research” and his thesis were published in a book. Also, his postgraduate thesis, in the context of the MSc in GIS, was awarded the “Taught Postgraduate Student Award for best MSc dissertation” by the Regional Science Association International (British and Irish Section). In addition, he was awarded the “Emma Walton Prize as the best postgraduate student to achieve the highest postgraduate student performance at the School of Geography at the University of Leeds. Furthermore, he received the “Tetley and Lupton Scholarship” for studying MSc (Eng.) in Transport Planning and Engineering, University of Leeds. Moreover, he was awarded in his graduation from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as the student with the highest overall mark, and for two years during his studies, he was awarded for his performance by the Greek State Scholarship Foundation.

Further to the degrees, he also attended specialized individual postgraduate courses in different countries, such as: “GIS Programming & Customisation”, Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University (USA), “Spatial Decision Support Systems”, ITC- International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (Netherlands) and “Evolutionary Computing Methodologies”, University of Jyvaskyla (Finland). He worked for 26 years in the Public Sector in Cyprus, in various administrative positions (among others as Senior Officer and District Officer), in three different departments and respective Ministries: in the Land Consolidation Department (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment), the Public Works Department (Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works), and in the Department of Land and Surveys (Ministry of Interior). He was mainly involved in the Management and Coordination of studies and projects, including research related to land management and administration, land consolidation, GIS, and sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs). He was also involved in research projects and networks (COST Actions). He has been the President and Secretary of the Cyprus Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers and its delegate in the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) – Commission 8 (Spatial Planning and Development), the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE), and the European Group of Surveyors (EGOS).

As part of his duties at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, he was the initiator and Coordinator of the TrACE (Transport Analytics Center of Excellence) project, with the aim of establishing a research centre of excellence, which was funded for the 1st phase under the “Teaming- Horizon 2020 program” and in the 2nd phase, the proposal was ranked 15th, while the first 14 proposals were each funded with 15 million euros.

He held the position of a Visiting Research Fellow, at the University of Leeds, School of Geography, Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy, from to 2013-2020. He has published one book (his PhD thesis) and more than 30 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and book chapters. More details on his publications can be found in ResearchGate.

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